How Can I Help?
All relationships will go through ups and downs. Sometimes these feel relentless; sometimes we get stuck in patterns of arguing; sometimes it is hard to feel loved or loving. We may feel that we struggle to say the things that we want to say or that our partner just doesn’t listen. Some couples feel that their whole life revolves around work or the children or both and that they no longer feel like a couple at all.
If this sounds familiar then you are by no means alone, but working on some of these difficulties together is likely to help you to change things together.
Systemic Couples Therapy is different from many other types of psychotherapy. Rather than focusing on an individual’s internal world, I seek to understand how people interact, the feedback loops that occur between partners and significant others and the patterns that develop which can leave people feeling stuck.
This understanding of communication as interactional can help people to move away from blame and the need to be “right” about things, to a place of acceptance and of valuing different perspectives.
Some examples of couples who seek help might be:
Couples who are experiencing a sense of “stuckness” and want to work out how to be happier together.
Couples who are struggling to adjust to changes in their lives (e.g. bereavement/ children leaving home).
Couples who may be struggling with working out how to parent together.
Couples where one or both partners have difficulties with their mental health.
Couples where post-natal depression is having an impact.
Couples who are about to get married.
Couples who are separating or who have already separated.